Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Scholarly Critique Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Insightful Critique - Assignment Example In this manner, the examination contributes significant proof that can be utilized in the nursing practice. This is on the grounds that it gives the human services foundations the information on understanding that the attendants need a break from their work similarly as different representatives in different territories of work (Garrett, 2008). Furthermore, the exploration has given the administration some understanding where they should expand the patient to nurture proportion in all medicinal services establishment to decrease nurture disappointment and burnout. The specialist shows the ramifications of the examination for the clinical practice. In that, the scientist shows that medical caretaker wear out puts the patients in danger in light of the fact that the attendants don't have the ability to treat the patients appropriately as they are worn out. The suggestions are sensible and complete in light of the fact that they have obviously explained the reasons for nurture disappointment and wear out. As in, there is insufficiency of medical caretakers in the United States, where the legislature has been given the commitment to guarantee that all clinics have enough attendants to diminish the remaining burden of the current attendants, which will thus lessen work disappointment and medical attendant

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Negative Effects of Gluten in Food Research Paper

The Negative Effects of Gluten in Food - Research Paper Example Thus, the gluten delicate individuals succumb to various maladies like heftiness, osteoporosis, wretchedness, celiac ailment and non-celiac related food hypersensitivities. For the most part, intestinal biopsy is led in individuals to distinguish on the off chance that they are delicate to gluten. Looks into are in progress to find out about how gluten influences the strength of an individual. The most ideal approach to stay away from sicknesses for a gluten touchy patient is to be on a without gluten diet. Numerous scientists and doctors have been contemplating recently over the extensive ascent of illnesses like weight, osteoporosis, wretchedness, celiac sickness and non-celiac related food hypersensitivities among average citizens. There is a lot of conversation continuous in the clinical world with respect to the significant reason for such incessant maladies. Gluten is believed to be one factor which is perceived to cause these illnesses in individuals who are sensitive to it. Research recommends the negative impacts of gluten in food are weight, osteoporosis, discouragement, celiac malady and non-celiac related food sensitivities. Gluten makes harm the small digestive tract and starts radiating indications in individuals who are gluten touchy. The harmed digestive tract offer approach to insufficient retention of nourishment and the gluten delicate individual experiences various ailments. Gluten is a type of protein which is commonly found in wheat, grain and rye. It very well may be said that it is found in numerous sorts of oats and different kinds of bread. Be that as it may, gluten is absent in a wide range of food from the grain family. A few grains like rice, millet, corn quinoa and oats don't contain gluten. Tracker (1987) states that â€Å"One of the gluten’s principle protein divisions is gliadin, which is a complex mixture†(pg. 3). Books (2005) clarifies that â€Å"Gluten is a kind of protein found in wheat, grain, rye, triticale and oats†(pg.7). At the point when this protein is processed in the body of someone in particular, it can on occasion give a colossal problem.â â

Non-GMO Plant Breeding Techniques :: Food Agriculture Science Papers

Non-GMO Plant Breeding Techniques Works Cited Missing Presentation In 1997 hereditarily adjusted nourishments were acquainted with business agribusiness as herbicide safe soybean seed (Farnham, Wang, and Wisner 2000). The a long time since have denoted a significant change in the manner individuals overall glance at food and its creation. It has become a significant issue for ranchers, shoppers, the administration and world economies, as the security and morals of GMOs are discussed. In light of the utilization of GMOs, and the general doubt numerous purchasers have toward them, there has been a blast in the advertising of natural nourishments. So much discussion about hereditarily altered nourishments and the expanding notoriety of natural nourishments brings to the cutting edge a significant inquiry. What amount do we think about the creation of non-GMO/natural yields and would it be able to be viewed as more secure and all the more morally stable in contrast with GMO plant creation? Recorded Plant Production From the beginning of time crop creation has been a continuous procedure of modifying the genotype of plants to improve their yield. It has been customary for ranchers after each season to reap seeds from the plants that show up phenotypically unrivaled, sparing them to be planted the accompanying season. Following a large number of long stretches of doing this food crops today are a long ways from the wild genealogies they were gotten from (Chrispeels and Sadava pg331). While wild ancestries have experienced hundreds of a long time of normal choice creating progressive ages of posterity adjusted to the earth, trained species have experienced the weights of hand determination. This outcomes in recognizable contrasts between trained plants and their wild family members. Todayã °s crop plants have no normal seed dispersal systems, nor seed lethargy periods to defeat regular climate conditions. Yield plants have been reared for comparable development propensities so that at the hour of gather they are of uniform shape and size (Kimball, 2000). This is the purpose behind model that we don't see shrubby corn or viney wheat assortments. Congruency of this sort among crop species has made it simpler for ranchers to create all inclusive gather systems. Gigantism is the term given to the colossal contrast in the size of the fruiting collections of yield plants versus wild family members, which is because of the choice of the seed from parent plants that produce enormous organic products (Chrispeels and Sadava pg342). In the 1700ã °s individuals started to cross plants with the aim of making crop plant assortments better than those in presence, rather than the conventional and progressively detached strategy for hand picking seeds from predominant plants.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Human Rights and Oil Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Rights and Oil Companies - Essay Example As indicated by Kalu and Ngozi (19-38), the Niger Delta in Nigeria has been the focal point of focal point of preservationist, human rights advertisers and reasonable exchange unionists over the globe. The preliminary and execution of radical hippie Ken-Saro-Wiwa and eight different associates of the Ogoni ethnic minority stood out as truly newsworthy. The then peaceful fights of the Ogoni individuals make world-consideration as well. The exercises of huge oil firms such like Shell Elf, Agip and Mobil, in the midst of others have caused numerous concerns and kickback.  A grouping of exploitive and fake government in Nigeria have been supported and continued by western organizations and oil organizations, mindful on picking up from the fossils powers that can be misused.  As people and transitional oil organizations have been dueling over this â€Å"black gold† in the delta district, gigantic neediness and biological annihilation have summed.  The Ogoni, Ijaw among differ ent networks in the Niger Delta, the individuals who have been unfavorably influenced for a considerable length of time endeavoring to battle for themselves, their environmental and their focal human and financial rights.  The Nigerian organizations and oil companies have responded by merciless hushing the disagreeing voices.  According to the Human Rights Watchdog, universal oil companies are regularly connected to the infringement submitted by the Nigerian military and police.  There have been numerous unequivocal cases of organization inspirations in the .Nigerian military stifling the protesters. The military have been accused of thousands of killings, intentional house/town burnings, torment, and threatening individuals, in the midst of others. From Royal Dutch’s association in the homicide of Ken-Saro-Wiwa to Chevron embellished choppers shipping Nigerian military that started shooting at protestors, the exercises have been managing the circumstance Should Nigeria change its legitimate structure to the maintainable natural preservation and human rights assurance? The Crude oil from the Niger Delta represents than 85 percent of the entire fares and remote trade of the Nigeria state. Then again, the oil business in the Niger delta has been set apart with decimation, human rights infringement and nervousness to most of the individuals in the oil-rich

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

From I-STAR to Illinois Graduate...hear some of their stories!

From I-STAR to Illinois Graduate...hear some of their stories! Have you been on a campus visit? Did you take a campus tour? If so, you met one of our 80+ Illinois Student Admissions Representatives (I-STARs). The I-STAR position is one of the most sought after positions on campus. Im lucky enough to work with all of them, and Im inspired by their journeys at Illinois. Its a bittersweet time of year when a handful of I-STARs walk across the graduation stage. As an ode to their time at Illinois and to speak to you (yes, YOU!) one more time, a few I-STARs wanted to share some of their greatest moments and challenges at Illinois. I interviewed Anh, Lauren, LJ, and Micah and I found their responses to be insightful, inspiring, and so genuine. Read more about them at the end of this post. LJ and Anh were awarded the Senior 100 Honorary for the Class of 2018 Micah, Tucker, and his brother, Sam (also an I-STAR!) Lauren and Alma twinning! What is something that surprised you about Illinois? Lauren:  The diverse and expansive opportunities. Freshman year I studied abroad in Tanzania, got involved in undergraduate research, and was on the womens rowing team all of which were super diverse opportunities, none of which were available to me in high school, and each of them was essentially handed to me when I walked onto campus. Since then, Ive joined a handful of new RSOs and the opportunities have just kept coming. LJ:  One thing that surprised me about Illinois was how community-centric it was. Even though it is such a large school, there is a huge focus on community whether that be through your major, college, RSOs, or your residence hall. From my first day on campus, I felt that I was a part of several small families rather than being alone at this large research university. I did not expect this coming, especially being from a different state than most of my peers, and I still feel this close sense of community to this day.* Micah:  One thing that surprised me about Illinois was the sense of community. Walking around as a prospective student, I was constantly greeted with friendly faces. From advisors, to tour guides and admissions staff, to people on the street, I felt at home walking around Champaign-Urbana. I knew that wherever I went, I would be able to strike up a conversation with someone and connect with them.* *Editors note (by Kaci):  I promise, I didnt prompt them to answer in such similar ways. They responded separately, but I think its pretty beautiful. We know college can be hard, whats been your greatest challenge at Illinois? The Fishmans (minus Tucker and Sam) Micah:  My greatest challenge at Illinois was finding a solid transition from high school to college. I didn’t make a good faith effort to study, or set a good priority list. As a result, my academics struggled and it set me off on a poor start to my college career. It allowed me to start digging myself up, slowly but surely, and I found out what it meant to be a good student. This meant using campus resources to my advantage, meeting with professors or TA’s and networking with students in my major. LJ:  My greatest challenge I faced at Illinois was being more confident in myself and my opinions. Coming to such a large campus from a high school with a total enrollment of 100 students, I found it difficult to share my personality and opinions the first couple of weeks just because I was scared that I was going to say the wrong thing or sound dumb. I learned quickly that there are no such things as stupid questions or stupid thoughts. I am much more confident in myself than I was as an incoming freshman and I have to thank my professors and peers for creating a welcoming environment in classes that allowed me to grow as a student. Lauren:  Time management and self-growth. The diversity on campus provides so many opportunities, but you have to actively choose to get involved in activities that push you out of your comfort zone. On the flip side, you also have to find a healthy balance between coursework and fun, which can be a surprisingly hard challenge when transitioning from 35 hours of class each week to only 10-20 in college. What experience in the classroom had the most impact? Micah:  The most impactful learning experience inside the classroom was a course I took first semester senior year called HDFS 261. It was anything but traditional, and with a small group of 15 students, one professor and two undergraduate TA’s, the course turned into a sort of self-help group. There was so much full disclosure, and everyone felt comfortable sharing their most intimate moments. One day, we did a privilege walk. It was among the most uncomfortable experiences I’ve ever had. Regardless of where I ended up in the line, it truly made me realize how lucky I’ve been growing up and put my life struggles into perspective. Anh:  Definitely ENGL 301 “Critical Approaches to Lit and Text.” I was required to take this class to complete my English minor, and didn’t expect to enjoy it very much (or at all, honestly) because it focused on ideas applying ideas from thinkers and philosophers who are long dead (Marx, Descartes, etc.) to analyzing text. Nevertheless, this class has been my favorite throughout my four years here. Not only has it taught me to analyze literature, but it taught me to approach any work (book, film, speech, etc.) from a critical perspective. This has enabled me to engage more with social and political ideas that I might not have understood before, or was too afraid to approach. **Bonus: ENGL 119 (Literature of Fantasy) was a class I took on Harry Potter (and it counted as a requirement for my minor and as a Gen Ed!). Enough said. What about outside of the classroom? ILL @ the Lincoln Memorial Lauren got involved in Illini 4000 this year LJ:  In addition to the great learning I experienced inside of the classroom at Illinois, I had the opportunity to intern not just once, but twice in Washington, DC. My first experience was a trip with Illinois in Washington which is our program that grants course credit to students wanting to intern in DC. I made great friends over the summer I interned in Sen. Mark Kirks office and was able to explore DC and live like a local. My second summer was in the White House Internship Program which was amazing in and of itself. After already being there for one summer, I had made friends who returned to the city as well. Even though I wasnt there specifically with Illinois students, I was able to be around fellow Illini for the summer as well as network with other students from across the country. Lauren:  Study abroad forever and always!! When I went to Tanzania my freshman year, I fell in love with the culture and the people and became aware of so many stereotypes portrayed in the media about Africa as a negative place, so when I returned home I made a more conscious effort to break out of my comfort zone and open up my world. Tell me about a lifelong friend or mentor you met at Illinois Micah:  A lifelong mentor I met at Illinois was the Chabad Rabbi, Rabbi Dovid. Dovid gave me a reason to reconnect with my religion but also showed me the true definition of integrity, character and hard work. After my bar mitzvah, I really had no reason to stay in touch with my Judaism. I went from a predominately Jewish town and surrounding, to a large campus where Jewish people are among the minority. Chabad gave me a home away from home; it became more than a physical place and turned into a community of friends. Rabbi was always there for me 24/7, and constantly showed that he is available to everyone. He is selfless and hard working and someone we should all try to embody more. LJ:  I have met many of my closest friends at Illinois. One is my friend Mary whom I met in my Philosophy 101 class during my first semester freshman year. I never thought Id see her again after the class, but the next semester we were in the same History 200 section which is the entry research class for History majors! At the midpoint of this course, we decided we should continue this tradition and take a class every semester together leading up to graduation (which we successfully completed)! This led into a close friendship where we now do pretty much everything together from getting coffee to getting pedicures this week before our graduation. Anh:  A mentor that I’ve met at Illinois is Molly McLay, the assistant director of the Women’s Resources Center (WRC), coordinator of the First Year Campus Acquaintance Rape Education (FYCARE) Program, and one of my supervisors for the past four years. As a social worker, instructor, and assistant director of the WRC, Molly has a plethora of daily responsibilities. Still, she finds time to relax and sit down with others at the end of the day to discuss recent movies or sing in her feminist rock band, Love Handles. Molly’s drive for her work inspires me to engage in as many activities as I can, and shows me complete commitment to, and love for, one’s work is achievable. I can only hope to have the same love and dedication for my work as Molly has for hers. Illinois has proven to me that talent and greatness are in abundance around me. For example, I met my friend, Terry, by chance when I happened to sit near him in MCB 250 (Molecular Genetics) in my sophomore year and talked about a band we both liked. Since then, Terry has become a good friend and study partner of mine. Terry amazes me. For someone who told me he didn’t care too much about academics before college, his academics are stellar, and his genuine interest in biology and chemistry are admirable. This coming Fall, he will be continuing his education as a graduate student in chemical biology at the California Institute of Technology. Congratulations, Terry! I know he’ll go on to do great things, and I’m looking forward to being able to call him a doctor of biology further along the future. Lauren:  Friends the group that I studied abroad with in Spain; we traveled to a new country every weekend and had each other for support when the rest of our friends and family were thousands of miles away, we shared so many experiences that our friends and family couldnt begin to comprehend and thats something we will always have with each other Mentor Angie Wolters is the director of the Women in Engineering program and she is a rockstar; she always knew what was going on in my life, and that made me want to get involved more with Women in Engineering to give back to her and to continue to reach out and support other current and prospective women in engineering What you will miss most about Illinois? LJ representing Block I in Section 116 Micah:  I’m going to miss relaxing on the main quad, or meeting my friends for Espresso Royale coffee. But I will especially miss some of my favorite food spots! Maize, Cracked, Big Grove Tavern, Destihl, and more! Anh: The Main Quad! And downtown Champaign and Urbana ?? LJ:  I think the one thing I am going to miss most about Illinois are my wonderful roommates that Ive lived with the past two years. Lauren and I met through being on Illini Pride Executive Board, the overarching student fan organization for Illini Athletics, and have shared many memories together in Memorial Stadium and more specifically in Row 1 of Section 116 of State Farm Center cheering on the Illini to victories. Dana and I met sophomore year before moving in to our apartment junior year. One of our biggest accomplishments was finishing our binge-watch of Gossip Girl before graduation. Our third roommate Colleen I just met this year, but she has been an absolute blast to have as a part of our apartment and she always brings such positive energy. Ill never forget the fun times in Apartment 210 and Im so sad that theyre coming to an end. But, I cant wait to see where life takes us all over the next few years! Lauren:  Having all my friends live within a few blocks from me, and walking around campus and seeing friendly faces on a daily basisand hammocking on the quad on sunny days. Want to read more? Illini Success is a project that gathers data from our graduates after graduation to share their first destinations after Illinois. Launched in 2014, Illini Success shares data, stories, and facts about our graduates. What can you do with a degree in English? Community Health? Social Work? The annual reports can answer all of those questions!  If you’re like me, you can spend a lot of time on this site  looking at numbers and graphs. However, also take some time to read through some of the success stories to learn more about an individual’s Illinois journey and their advice for you! Thank you to all of our graduating I-STARs! Anh is from Bolingbrook, Illinois and majored in Molecular and Cellular Biology, with minors in English, Chemistry, and Pyschology. She is currently appling to medical school. Lauren is from Park Ridge, Illinois and graduated with a degree in Bioengineering. She will start her bike ride across the country in New York City on May 18 with Illini 4000 Ljubica (LJ) is interning at the Commonwealths Attorneys Office in Virginia over the summer and will start her Masters Degree in Public Policy at Gerogetown Universitys McCourt school of Public Policy in the fall. She majored in Political Science and History and is from Bassett, Virgina. Micah starts his law degree at Chicago-Kent College of Law this fall upon earning his degree in Human Development and Family Studies. Him and Sam grew up in Buffalo Grove, Illinois. Since Micahs graduation, Sam is enjoying being the best Fishman I-STAR. Kaci Admissions Counselor I work extensively with our large campus visit programs to give our prospective students first-hand experience of life at Illinois. I grew up in and around Champaign-Urbana, but most recently I moved from northwest Ohio, where I finished my master’s degree in College Student Personnel.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Critical Essay The Complete Guide. Essay Topics, Examples and Outlines

Critical Essay: The Complete Guide. Essay Topics, Examples and Outlines Whether you specialize in literature or just writing an essay for a class, knowing how to write a critical essay will give you an advantage throughout your studies at a university and in your professional career. Writing critical essays allows you to develop critical thinking skills, including attentive reading, technical analysis, academic writing skills, searching for reference books and editing. Mastering these skills will help you conduct a scientific conversation and allow you to communicate and think more productively. What is a Critical Essay? A critical essay is an analysis of any piece of text. It can be a book, a movie, an article or even a painting. The main point of this type of an essay is to interpret text or position it in a wider context. For instance, if you write a critical analysis of a book, you may analyze the tone of its text and find out how it influences the overall meaning of the book. If you analyze a movie, you might concentrate on a symbol that you see over and over again. Nevertheless, you have to include an argumentative thesis about the text and have a lot of evidence sources, obviously textual, to support your statements. How to write a Critical Essay? Step by Step Guide Find out the topic as early as possible to plan your research. Find the information you need in a wide variety of sources, including journal articles, books, encyclopedias, news. Gather more information than you plan to actually refer to when writing a paper, but do not collect too much, it can distract you from the main thing, and you will eventually include it in your essay simply because you found it. Do not use Wikipedia and do not copy other peoples comments; no matter from which website you take them, plagiarism will be discovered. Look through your sources to separate interesting information from irrelevant material. Interesting research can be found in books, literary guides, in published critical articles on your particular topic. And vice versa, do not investigate things that do not relate to your topic, what I mean is, do not engage in the study of witches, if the topic of your paper is monarchy. Carefully reread the relevant materials and evaluate them critically. Highlight, underline or otherwise mark the necessary information in your personal articles and books. Use colored stickers to draw your attention to important details in library books. Make a brief summary of each source after reading it. Pay attention to important details and highlight the main point of view for further use. Formulate the theses by reviewing your notes and research. You can write a more general thesis or ask an important question that your paper will answer. Write a preliminary introduction, knowing that you can edit or even rewrite it later. Develop an approximate plan based on your notes and studies. Identify two or three main sections of the body of your essay. These sections should consist of your most important arguments. Use your notes and research to fill these sections with details. You can copy and paste the most important details or arguments into your plan. Identify the relationships between sections of your essay and briefly describe them on the margins of your plan. Use this connection to write an approximate conclusion. Set your paper aside for a few days before rereading the draft. Leave enough time to make a thorough review of all material that will clarify any illogical reasonings or arguments. Complete your essay by carefully checking the final version of the printed version. Use your imagination and make the introduction interesting for readers. Write a clear thesis statement and use up-to-date sources, with a lot of useful information.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Iagos Influence Essay - 1452 Words

Is it fate that we as a people will be brought to destruction by our own means? In the story of Othello, Iago seeks to prove this point to all those who surround him. Through manipulation and lies, the villainous Iago shows how people can come to quickly distrust others, and escalate situations until death. Iago’s hope is to not only cause destruction, but to watch other wreak it upon themselves. By playing the role of both trustworthy friend and sly controller, Iago illustrates how one man’s knowledge of human nature can direct the actions of those around him. Othello: Iago’s influence on others begins right way by having a pre-established trust between Othello and himself. It is evident beginning as early as Act II that the Moor’s†¦show more content†¦Othello’s flaw that Iago wished to magnetize was the way in which he had absolute trust for those around him; in the end this very concept of always believing what one hears is what brought the Moor to his death. Roderigo: Through a vulnerability that was easily accessed for Iago, forcing the lovesick Roderigo to play into the villain’s hands was no task at all. In Act I the story begins with Roderigo’s emotions overflowing with sadness, as his one true love Desdemona has married another man. It is silliness to live when to live is torment, / and then have we a prescription to die when death is / our physician(I.iii.308-310). Iago’s window of opportunity to use the passionate Roderigo couldn’t have come at a better moment. Iago goes on to play the role of a caring friend to Roderigo, one who gives the depressed dope the courage to fight back for Desdemona- to do anything for her. â€Å"What should I do? I confess it is shame / to be so fond, but it is not in my virtue to amend it† (I.iii.317-318). Iago see’s that clearly Roderigo’s hopes of making things right with Desdemona is a goal, and with a little persuasion Iago has this simple minded fellow want ing Desdemona by any means possible. Overcoming Roderigo’s indifference to Desdemona and Othello’s marriage was a small stepping stone for Iago. By listening and nurturing the sadness that Iago believed Roderigo to have, the villain was able to take full advantage of his ignorance; and putShow MoreRelatedThe Spectrum Of Human Nature Essay1639 Words   |  7 Pagesabout both the plot and the characters. Furthermore, by providing such a diverse range of feeble justifications, the audience of Othello is able to conclude that a deeper, unstated force fuels Iago’s hatred for Othello. Readers today have attempted to interpret this unstated force with a modern twist: that Iago’s hatred stems from his homosexual lust for Othello. However, these interpretations are loosely supported by textual evidence, which are then often quoted out of context . By establishing thatRead MoreOthello, By William Shakespeare1333 Words   |  6 Pagesthat would prove to be highly useful in Iago’s plans. For what reason would a man as trusting as Othello suspect a friend he loves dearly? Colleagues describe Iago as â€Å"ancient to the general† (2.1.66), and Iago himself notes that he had fought alongside Othello in many battles. Othello could only perceive Iago as his loyal ensign, thus allowing Iago to sabotage Othello and Desdemona’s relationship while appearing helpful and honest. Prior to Iago’s influence, Othello was a rational man with confidenceRead MoreIago, By William Shakespeare1669 Words   |  7 Pagescold blooded chameleon. Iago’s art of persuasion, his mastery of rhetoric as well as his ability to sense his victims’ insecurities and weaknesses, is what makes him so diabolically ruthless. Throughout the play, one can truly see the power of words and their delivery, and the massive influence that they can have over people. Iago employs charlatan techniques to appeal to his victims’ emotional, l ogical and ethical weaknesses for his own selfish political gain. Iago’s rhetorical methods entrancesRead MoreIago : The Rhetorician Conspirator1680 Words   |  7 Pagescold blooded chameleon. Iago’s art of persuasion, his mastery of rhetoric as well as his ability to sense his victims’ insecurities and weaknesses, is what makes him so diabolically ruthless. Throughout the play, one can truly see the power of words and their delivery, and the massive influence that they can have over people. Iago employs charlatan techniques to appeal to his victims’ emotional, logical and ethical weaknesses for his own selfish political gain. Iago’s rhetorical methods entrancesRead MoreDramatic Irony Used for Characterization in Othello by Shakespeare713 Words   |  3 PagesOthello’s main attendant and is expected to get the promotion to lieutenant. Unexpectedly though, Othello gives the promotion of lieutenant to Michael Cassio. In all, this catal yzes Iago’s plot for revenge and destruction that will destroy every character throughout the play. An example of dramatic irony that captures Iago’s destructive nature throughout the entire play is his appearance vs the reality of the situation, according to LitCharts. A prime example of this can be seen when Iago proclaims toRead MoreEssay about Othello533 Words   |  3 Pagesnamed Iago displays a very good example of this. Iago who is Othello’s ensign is considerate to people although at the same time manipulates their minds into thinking different things other than what had really occurred. Therefore, the victims of Iago’s mischievous acts had been lured in to gullibility at every corner. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Act I, Iago had used his ‘magic’ on Roderigo who was very upset upon the fact that Othello and Desdemona were still able to be as one, since he wasRead MoreThe building blocks of a tragic hero945 Words   |  4 Pagesdialect, and behaviours change throughout the play. Othello’s own flaws and insecurities; jealousy, rage, insecurities and misguided trust in others contribute to his tragic downfall. Othello begins to doubt his love for Desdemona because of Iago’s influence. â€Å"O curse of marriage, /That we can call these delicate creatures ours/And not their appetites! I had rather be a toad/And live upon the vapour of a dungeon/ Than keep a corner in the thing I love for other’s uses.† (III.iii.270- 75) OthelloRead MoreOthello shows weak human judgement889 Words   |  4 PagesOthello falls from a position of power and nobility to a debased shadow of his former self, as a result of Iago’s cunning plans. Yet had Othello a better sense of judgement Iago’s schemes would not have worked. One of Othello’s biggest flaws is his poor judge of character. Othello is convinced of Iago’s honesty right up to Iago’s final moments of freedom. He is a complete dupe to Iago’s plans. He immediately turns to Iago for answers when Cassio stabs Montano, Read MoreOthello Analysis1474 Words   |  6 Pagesterms, Roderigo deals with the conflict of desire and trust against rationality and common sense. Although Roderigos conflict is internal, he is influenced by people and things outside himself that causes him to take different positions on it. Iagos influence on Roderigos decisions also emphasizes the plays theme as a whole which deals with the consequences of vulnerability. One side of Roderigos conflict, his love for Desdemona, is evident towards the beginning of the play. After finding out thatRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Othello By William Shakespeare757 Words   |  4 Pageselements greatly influences the reader’s perspective on The Tragedy of Othello. The effective universal theme Shakespeare introduces in Othello is the tragic flaw of jealousy. The play shows the emotional power of jealousy and the damage envy can cause. The villain, Iago manipulates Othello to believing that Desdemona is having an affair with Othello’s general in command, Cassio. Iago provided false evidence to Othello involving Desdemona s handkerchief. Othello accepts Iago’s beliefs about Desdemona

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Duke Ellington Free Essay Example, 1250 words

Part of the piece was incorporated into his work, â€Å"Oklahoma Stomp† which was recorded under is band Six Jolly Jesters in 1929 (Tucker 34). In 1917, Ellington began his music career, playing piano at night throughout his hometown. The first group he formed was The Duke’s Serenaders and their first job was at True Reformer’s Hall where he and his group played from 8pm to 1am for which he was paid 75 cents (Hasse 43). As their career progressed, Ellington acted as booking agent and business manager, having an innate ability to make and close profitable deals. Client Last Name 3 He also understood the need for and the way in which to create a persona. He developed a style for most aspects of his life, including having his friend Black Bowie go down to a club or event that he would be attending and spread the news that he would soon arrive. After this, he would then have his friend Jerry Rhea go down and throw open the door upon Duke’s arrival announce â€Å"Get out of the way, ‘cause here comes Duke† (Hasse 51). We will write a custom essay sample on Duke Ellington or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Duke Ellington said, â€Å"If jazz means anything at all, which is questionable, it means the same thing that it meant to musicians fifty years ago - freedom of expression. I used to have a definition, but I don’t think I have one anymore, unless it is that it is a music with an African foundation which came out of an American environment† (Dance 2). In attempting to classify the music that was created by Ellington and his orchestra, many terms were applied, such as Chicago style, Swing, Hard Bop, etc. , but the way in which the development of the music came into its creative voice left it indefinable by anything other than the foundation that Ellington mentioned - as African from an American environment. In his popular composition, â€Å"It Don’t Mean a Thing (If You Ain’t Got That Swing)†, the suggestion is made of a style of music that wouldn’t be popular for several years, known as Swing. Written in 1932, the work was first recorded by Ellington and his band, reaching number six on the charts, but then later that year again reaching number seven after being released by the Mills Brothers (Jazz). While not a perfect example of the performing style, the piece was a precursor to a more definitive style within American music called swing - and was the first public reference within a song to that style. While other musicians such as Jelly Roll Morton and James â€Å"Bubber† Miley had been using the Client Last Name 4 reference and the style within their music, with this piece it was brought forward into popularity (Schuller 50).

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Hidden Treasure of Pay Essay Samples

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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Organizational Knowledge Theory And Practice - 3306 Words

Portfolio Project – Organizational Knowledge Mike Meeker ORG502- Effective Organizations: Theory and Practice Colorado State University- Global Campus Dr. Mike Lavelle November 23, 2014 Organizational Knowledge Theory In 2007, the worldwide volume announced that mergers and acquisitions (MAs) had reached more than $4.74 trillion according to The Wall Street Journal. Despite their persistent acceptance, MAs remain highly debatable (Muehlfeld, Rao Van Witteloostuijn, 2012). The constant debate about post acquisition performance repercussions of MAs (Rooney, Mandeville, Kastelle, 2013) points to important questions as to whether and under what conditions organizations learn from past acquisition experience. However, outside of operational backdrops, the effects of experience on learning as well as their outcomes have proved more intangible. Multifaceted environments as observed in typical corporate level executive and strategic activities prevent reinforced learning and diminish the identification between current actions and observed outcomes (Finkelstein S, Haleblian, 2002). Thus, it can take years to witness effective wisdom obtained regarding mergers between large organizations (Muehlfeld, Ra o Van Witteloostuijn, 2012). Abstract: Overview of Problem Thesis Davita transformed itself from an outpatient based and acute hospital dialysis provider to an international healthcare organization. This has been accomplished through organic growth as well asShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Organizational Management During The United States Military1545 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of Organizational Management in the United States Military Throughout history, the theory of what constitutes effective management practice has evolved with the changes and advances in technology and society. 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Leadership in People Management in Hospitality and Tourism Free Essays

We should ask ourselves a question, Are leaders born or made? The answer to this question is, we can only be born with certain qualities which make us good leaders instinctively but true leaders are the ones who develop their skill. Having good leadership skills to lead a good team of hospitality professionals is absolutely necessary and quite a daunting task. A hospitality team leader has have a good sense of judgement and direction and he has to be an inspiration to his team to make their true capabilities prosper. We will write a custom essay sample on Leadership in People Management in Hospitality and Tourism or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are certain guidelines which are followed by successful hospitality team leaders: 1. Test the waters: a team leader has to find out what people think about your style of management. Getting a good feedback from the hospitality team is essential in an open environment. 2. Good Listening: The team will have certain grievances and it is the duty of a good hospitality team leader to understand and try to solve those issues. 3. Effective Communication: in order to develop into a good leader a hospitality professional has to be able to be a great listener. . Be a people’s person: a hospitality team leader should be able to understand what are the capabilities of his team. 5. Be a role model: your team should be able to invest faith in you that you will do what you say. 6. Involvement of team: A hospitality team leader becomes a good team leader only when he involves his team in the decision making process. 7. Success evaluation should be on the basis of your team: in hospitality, it is very important for the team leader to know the strengths and weaknesses of his team. How to cite Leadership in People Management in Hospitality and Tourism, Essays

How, if at all, does the liability of a university differ regarding references given to potential employers in respect of current students free essay sample

Critically evaluate, in relation to the common law duty of care, the liability of employers for references. How, if at all, does the liability of a university (such as the University of Sussex) differ regarding references given to potential employers in respect of current (or former) students. Employers have a certain degree of liability when making statements in a former employee’s reference. Employees and employers have a duty of care, to provide valid descriptions of an individual’s quality and potential as a former employee, and thus a reasonable reference is, truthful and fair. It is up to employers to thus avoid inaccurate references that lead to negligent misstatements or misinterpretations on their part. It is known that in tort, liability arises by fault of a particular party or defendant. In other words, the modern causation of negligence is formed by evidence that coincide with people or companies that had a certain duty to provide civil obligations but their actions lead to a foreseeability of damage. We will write a custom essay sample on How, if at all, does the liability of a university differ regarding references given to potential employers in respect of current students or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To expand on this general area of tort law and compare it to that of a university and former student, cases have to be mentioned where the establishments of these rules were made to defend breaches in duty of care. Negligence as law was first conceptualized in Donoghue v Stevenson1. The claimant’s case was successful against the manufacturer (defendant) of the ginger beer and went on to institute â€Å"the modern law of negligence and established the neighbor test†. 2 The case is relevant as it expanded the idea that tort of negligence could arise in other situations. Lord Atkin stated what is known as his ‘neighbor speech’, where in order for the defendant to have duty of care for a claimant, â€Å"there should exist between the party owing the duty and the party to whom it is owed, a relationship characterized by the law as one of proximity or neighborhood†. 3 Similarly, the case of Hedley Byrne Co LTD v Heller and Partners LTD4, contributed to the edifice of the principle of proximity, where duty of care can still be due under evidence of negligent misstatement. It was decided that if the â€Å"representor gave information-or advice which was negligent he would be liable for any pecuniary or personal damage-caused†5. However the appeal was dismissed due to the fact that with â€Å"the absence of a contract or fiduciary relationship† the defendant that used a disclaimer would owe no duty of care. 6 The case was significant in that claims on negligent misstatement could work if; there is a special affiliation among parties, the information provided by a party has a voluntary assumed risk, the plaintiff has to deem the information reliable, and finally the reliability of the information must be applicable. In Caparo Industries plc v Dickman7, it was determined that courts had to test the duty by â€Å"whether the damage was reasonably foreseeable, whether there was a relationship of proximity between claimant and defendant, and whether it is just and reasonable to impose a duty. †8 If so, then a duty of care could arise. Spring v Guardian Assurance plc9 is key for this discussion. The claimant â€Å"won the case on grounds of the defendant’s negligence†. 10 The defendant owed the claimant a duty of care in terms of providing a reference. However, there was a partial split in decision between the judges on the defendant’s rejection of liability towards the reference. The Hedley Byrne fundamentals of proximity argued the case focused on the fact that the company (defendant) took over the claimants company, never technically employed him. On the other hand, based on the Caparo criteria, the foreseeability of the causation of negative references would damage the claimant with economic loss by impeding his chance to find employment. The primary action was taken on grounds that the reference was demeaning, the lack of concrete facts resulted in only a claim on negligent misstatement. However, the contract between the defendant and claimant was not breached because they didn’t hire the claimant. However, because the defendant was narrowly deemed as a ‘neighbor’ to the claimant who restricted the former employee from being employed, the claimant won the case and was granted damages from the defendant for negligent misstatement. When it comes to comparing students with employees, it’s hard to argue that they play the same role in their respective business model. A student is technically a consumer in a university, but a professor still acts as an employer figure giving assignments: determining a student’s future employment and career with references. It is arguable that the employment analogy is similar, there is less evidence to suggest duty of care by the professor who could potentially provide a reference that misleads a failing student to seem like a prodigy or a hard working student that simply doesn’t get along with a professor or causes problems in class. Either way, it’s a grey and uncertain area that can be further analyzed with other cases. To further argue the scope of where a professor would owe a duty of care to a student in terms of references, in Bartholomew v Hackney LBC11 the defendant gave a negative reference of the claimant to a prospective employer, which led to a withdrawal of his employment. This case showed that if a reference, although negative, was not â€Å"unfair, inaccurate and false† then there would be no liability for the defendant. 12 Furthermore in Cox v Sun Alliance Life LTD13 the defendant wrote a reference that suggested unfair and exaggerated claims for â€Å"serious matters of dishonesty and that the matters had been thoroughly investigated†14. However, the defendant â€Å"failed to take reasonable care to be fair or accurate† in the reference, because the claimant had never been charged with dishonesty or scrutinized. 15 In terms of these cases, in comparison to a professor with a student, it is arguable that the professor has the duty to provide a fair, accurate, and prospective reference for a student. But shouldn’t be liable for a negative reference if its fair, and agreed to some extent with the former student to specify on any negative statements. I agree that a student has a duty to perform at a persistent level. It is beneficial for employers to demand a fair, accurate and honest reference, even if it shines negatively on the student. Yet the professor, like any employer, under common law owes a duty of care that should be provided to a prospective employee that demonstrates they’re potential and quality for any  employer, avoiding negligent misstatements. According to relevant case law, it is clear that a professor and student have a strong sense of proximity and the professor’s reference statements could potentially be causation of damages for a student who is looking for employment. Therefore, I believe there is a duty of care for universities to consider a fair and just reference for students like that of an employer to a former employee.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Literacy History free essay sample

As a child everything is happy and joyful, aside from a little trantham here and there, but all around one does not have to stress about much. One could say I was a â€Å"normal† child. I played with my toy horses, went outside, did a few chores here and there, and even had my unhappy moments. However, up until kindergarten, my world revolved around the spanish language. Being born into a traditional mexican home, it was obvious that my first language would be spanish. Even though I consider it a good thing, because being bilingual will help my in my future, throughout my early and recent school years it makes both worlds more complicated. Throughout my first years in headstart and kindergarten I was more fluent in signs and symbols than english. I struggled day by day, as if it was me vs the whole world fighting to get through. I still remember how my hands where my mouth, and how my teachers looked at me with a blank stare trying to understand. We will write a custom essay sample on Literacy History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This infuriated me because I was not a â€Å"special kid† but it seemed as if everyone around me thought I was. Like how homeless people are â€Å"lazy people who just dont want to work† or how black males are considered to be more likely to become criminal. All these false assumptions are examples of how it felt to be a kid without a tongue. With the help of time, and english classes from kindergarten to second grade, I was able to become fluent in the language of my new world. Reading on the other hand came a million times more easily to me because I never really read much in spanish; so when it came to reading in english it was fairly new to me. I adored reading, mostly due to the pictures in the books. However, as I grew and books became picture and colors, I still enjoyed reading for hours. This is one of the reasons that I think I was able to exceed some of my fellow students and now I am in a more challenging english class. Then there is writing, where I had bits and pieces from both ends. At a young age my mother would write down phrases, in spanish, for me to copy and write down. Later she would say something asd ask me to write it down. For example one would be â€Å" El nino corre en el campo† (the boy runs at the field) or â€Å"La vaca come zacate†(the cows eats grass). Therefore, when it came to writing it was a fifty fifty scale. Where I was not the best nor the worst. By the time was was in second and third grade I could write decent enough to get by but it was or has been my strongest area. All around I consider my ability to process to languages, from a young age, a gift rather than a burden because even though it has complicated my life it has also benefited me in many ways. For example I am able to get college for spanish without the tassel of starting from spanish one. As well as in the future having the opportunity to receive a larger salary due to being bilingual. However, I still struggle with some if these problems today, but on a different level. Like I will be writing something in spanish and finnish in english or vice versa. As well as switch, without knowing, languages in the middle of a conservation. Nonetheless what is life without un poco de todo (a little bit of everything).

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Writing Sample Essay in Grad School Application

Writing Sample Essay in Grad School ApplicationWhen preparing for the writing sample essay in grad school application, it is important to approach it with a perspective that is simple, engaging and eye-catching. This is because one of the most important things for students is the ability to show that they have the capacity to write well. Students are also reminded to be true to their ideas and remain objective at all times. This article will give you insight into a few different approaches that can help you when writing your sampleessay in grad school application.If your idea of writing samples is very simple and straightforward, then you should use professional language in your essay. Use simple vocabulary, keeping the topic and theme of the essay simple. Try to avoid complicated or technical terms, which are best avoided if possible.The next step is to be sure that the essay does not repeat. What this means is that it should be easy to understand and just focus on having a very bas ic outline and structure. Do not worry about the style or the proper formatting that will make the essay readable and well structured.If you are one of those students who are not interested in the overall flow of the essay, then why not try some flash writing? Flash writing is actually an effective way to quickly get your point across without getting bogged down with the strict structure of a regular essay. Simply arrange your information in a few different ways and then implement your points by using a short or long paragraph and some subheadings.As one of the most important steps to writing sample essay in grad school application, students need to have the courage to be honest. Making the mistake of lying about your intentions or giving an overly detailed account of your curriculum vitae will often lead to failure. To make sure that you avoid lying about your intentions or concealing important facts, it is best to think about using personal references.Finally, do not make the mist ake of attempting to be too much too soon in the writing sample essay in grad school application. To avoid having your essay run off the rails, you should be sure that you have covered the topic that you wish to bring up. This will allow the essay to continue to keep its momentum and maintain a focus as opposed to being derailed with various other ideas.It is important to remember that it is not only the complexity of the assignment that will determine how successful you will be at writing sample essay in grad school application. Good grades are the primary goal of the essay. To ensure that you reach these high goals, you must not become discouraged when things do not work out the way you would like them to.The most important thing to remember when preparing for your writing sample essay in grad school application is to make sure that you have a clear idea of what you want to say and how you want to say it. It is important to have a purpose for the essay and stick to that until the end. If you fail to accomplish these two things, then you may be better off finding someone else to write the project for you.

Friday, March 20, 2020

To Kill a Mockingbird movie vs book essays

To Kill a Mockingbird movie vs book essays To compare and contrast the To Kill A Mockingbird film vs. the book. The book is better, but watching the movie also enjoying. There were three differences that stood out, the absence of characters, the different scenes, and an actors to characters comparison. The book to the movie there is a clear difference but the morals are all still the same. The directors made some good changes and some bad ones the movie was good over all any ways. From the book to the movie there were characters missing some important some not important at all. One character that I felt was missing that is important that wasnt there was Aunt Alexandra she was the whole be more like a girl role model for Scout. A character in the book that wasnt in the movie was Mr. Dolphus Raymond it wasnt a big deal though because he really didnt play a huge role anyways, just shows how people had to find away to not be ridiculed by others for liking bad people. Mrs. Rachael was an other character that was omitted from the book, dill was not living with her in the movie instead he live with Mrs. Stephine Crawford. The director made the choice to delete these characters for a reason the only one that affected the book was Aunt Alexandra. There were scenes omitted from the book were unnoticed some were missed. One scene that was significant that was missing was the scene were Scout and Jem go to the church with Calpernia, that scene showed how the racism went 2 ways. Another scenes that were deleted was the Dolphis Raymond scene were Dill drinks the coke that is supposed to be booze. The scenes that were missed the most were the school scenes all deleted. The school scenes were important they give insight on how the school was built. The Characters compared to the actors in the movie were good in some cases but bad in others. The actor Atticus was a perfect match for the character in the book physical, and physiological. The character Jem is not...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Biography and Profile of Susan Rice

Biography and Profile of Susan Rice Name: Susan Elizabeth Rice Position: Nominated as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations by then President-elect Barack Obama on December 1, 2008 Born: November 17, 1964 in Washington, DC Education: Graduated National Cathedral School in Washington, DC in 1982 Undergraduate: Stanford University, B.A. in History, 1986. Graduate: Rhodes Scholar, New College, Oxford University, M.Phil., 1988 Oxford University, D.Phil. (Ph.D) in International Relations, 1990 Family Background Influences: Susan was born to Emmett J. Rice, Senior VP at the National Bank of Washington and Lois Dickson Rice, Senior VP for Government Affairs at Control Data Corporation. A Fulbright Scholar who served with the Tuskegee Airmen in WWII, Emmett integrated the Berkeley Fire Department as its first black fireman while earning a Ph.D. at the University of California; taught economics at Cornell as the only black assistant professor; and was a governor of the Federal Reserve from 1979-1986. A Radcliffe graduate, Lois was a former VP of the College Board and chaired an advisory council of the National Science Foundation. High School College Years: At the elite private girls school that Rice attended, she was nicknamed Spo (short for Sportin); she played three sports, was student council president and valedictorian. At home, the family entertained distinguished friends such as Madeleine Albright, who would later become the first female Secretary of State. At Stanford, Rice studied hard yet made her mark via political activism. To protest apartheid, she established a fund for alumni gifts with a catch - the funds could only be accessed if the university divested from companies conducting business with South Africa, or if apartheid were abolished. Professional Career: Senior foreign policy adviser to Senator Obama, 2005-08 Senior Fellow in Foreign Policy, Global Economy Development, Brookings Institution, 2002-present Senior adviser for National Security Affairs, Kerry-Edwards campaign, 2004 Managing Director Principal of Intellibridge International, 2001-02 Management consultant, McKinsey Company, 1991-93 Clinton Administration: Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, 1997-2001 Special Assistant to the President Senior Director for African Affairs, National Security Council (NSC), 1995-97 Director for International Organizations Peacekeeping, NSC, 1993-95 Political Career: While working on the presidential campaign of Michael Dukakis, an aide encouraged Rice to consider the National Security Council as a future career path. She began her stint with the NSC in peacekeeping and was soon promoted to senior director for African affairs. When she was named Assistant Secretary of State for Africa by President Bill Clinton at age 32, she became one of the youngest ever to hold that position. Her responsibilities included overseeing the actions of more than 40 nations and 5000 foreign service officials. Her appointment was regarded with skepticism by some US bureaucrats who cited her youth and inexperience; in Africa, concerns over cultural differences and her ability to deal effectively with traditional African male heads of state were raised. Yet Rices skill as a charming but firm negotiator and her unflagging determination have aided her in difficult situations. Even critics acknowledge her strengths; one prominent Africa scholar has called her dynamic, a quick study, and good on her feet. If confirmed as US ambassador, Susan Rice will be the second-youngest ambassador to the UN. Honors Awards: Co-recipient of the White House’s 2000 Samuel Nelson Drew Memorial Award for distinguished contributions to the formation of peaceful, cooperative relationships between states. Awarded the Chatham House-British International Studies Association Prize for the most distinguished doctoral dissertation in the UK in the field of International Relations. Personal Life: Susan Rice married Ian Cameron on September 12, 1992 in Washington, DC; the two met while at Stanford. Cameron is executive producer of ABC Newss This Week with George Stephanopoulos. The couple have two young children. Sources: Berman, Russell. Meet Obamas Tenacious, Take Charge Dr. Rice. NYSun.com, 28 January 2008.Brant, Martha. Into Africa. Stanford Magazine at Stanfordalumni.org, January/February 2000.Brookings Experts: Senior Fellow Susan E. Rice. Brookings.edu, retrieved 1 December 2008.Emmett J. Rice, Education of an Economist: From Fulbright Scholar to the Federal Reserve Board, 1951-1979. University of California Black Alumni Series, transcript of an interview conducted 18 May 1984.Stanford Alumni: Black Community Services Center Hall of Fame. Stanfordalumni.org, retrieved 1 December 2008.Times Topics: Susan E. Rice. NYTimes.com, retrieved 1 December 2008.WEDDINGS; Susan E. Rice, Ian Cameron.  New York Times, 13 September 1992.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Palm Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Palm Overview - Essay Example This paper is prepared with the objective of providing a clear understanding regarding the strategic position of Palm Inc. The paper includes mission and vision of the company. In addition to these the paper also contains the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of Palm Inc. Palm Inc. California based Palm Inc was established in the year 1992. Till July, 2005 the company was known as PalmOne Inc. (Business Week, No Date). The company provides mobile products to its individual as well as business customers who are spread throughout the world. It is popular for offering integrated technologies that allow people in staying connected with friends, families and colleagues. Thanks to these technologies, customers of Palm Inc. are enabled to share and access all the important and latest information and hence manage their everyday lives more effectively. The company employs almost 1000 people (Business Week, No Date). Current Situation Mission & Vision During the early days Palmà ¢â‚¬â„¢s main mission was to become a leader in the software market for handheld computers as well as for various other communication devices (Butter & Pogue, 2002). With the passage of time, the company has broadened its view. It has thought beyond becoming a leading software maker in the world of handheld computer. At present, the company’s vision is improving and enhancing the daily lives of individuals and organizations. The company aims to enable it’s customers to access and share any type of information through various advance mode of communication at any time from anywhere in the world (Tiffany & Peterson, 2007). Strengths Palm Inc. is mainly known for smart phones. It is one of the leading names in the world of ‘Personal Digital Assistants’ (Ogg, E. 2010). The company has an exclusive brand identity due to its strong presence in the market of handheld computers. In fact there was a time when the company used to dominate also 70% of the handheld com puter market in US (Ogg, E. 2010). As a result, it can be said that the company has reasonably strong brand image in the mobile communication market. After being acquired by a big company like HP, Palm is certainly in a better position now. HP is known to be one of the biggest companies in the computer manufacturing industry. It has strong presence in all the major PC markets in the world. Palm is expected to get all the possible financial support from HP to complete its major projects. Furthermore, the excellent brand image of HP is likely to help the company in the process of selling its products in the global markets. Palm Inc deals with high end technologies and it has enough technical expertise to challenge the big brands like Apple, Microsoft and Google. With the help of HP, the company can improve its technological base and come up with new advanced high end products for its customers. The famous webOS of Palm is still one of the best operating systems that are ever designed specifically for various mobile applications. The company is also famous for the creation of Pre which is considered as one of the best smart phones in the world (Saitto and Levy, 2010). Weaknesses Palm Inc., one of the most innovative companies in the high end computer

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Flying Dry - Air Tahoma Fuel Starvation Research Paper

Flying Dry - Air Tahoma Fuel Starvation - Research Paper Example One type of turbine engine error that may occur is fuel starvation. This type of failure occurred in the August 2004 crash of the Air Tahoma Flight 185, in which the Convair 580 twin engine turboprop was destroyed on impact only one mile short of the runway, resulting in the death of the first-officer and damage to surrounding property (Aircraft Accident Report). The history and details of the Air Tahoma Flight 185 crash, the cause of the accident, and the relevance to current safety issues are each important in learning from this crash and taking preventative measures against this type of incident in the future. Air Tahoma, a spin-off from Cool Air, Inc., was a Columbus based father-son operated company that was looking to grow and expand its current fleet of thirteen turboprops. Like many small and ambitious companies before them, there is some speculation that in the hurry to expand critical safety checkpoints may have been relaxed. The company had recently contracted with DHL as freight parcel delivery company, and Flight 185 was scheduled for a routine roundtrip flight from Memphis to Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport when the crash occurred (Pilcher, 2004). The company had previously had several run-ins with federal safety inspectors before the crash, as records show, including citations for maintenance problems three times in the previous four years, including one resulting in a $5000 settlement for problems in providing an airworthy aircraft by the company (Pilcher, 2004). Air Tahoma operated two types of twin turboprop planes, the Convair 240 and the Convair 580 (Pilcher, 2004). Unlike the much larger much larger Boeing 727s, DC-8s and Airbus 300s operated by the main local carrier for DHL at the time, Astar Air Cargo, these are small aircraft capable of holding only fifty-six passengers, but more commonly used for transport (Frawley, 1998). These aircraft are converted from the original

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Multinational Apparel Specialist Retailer Marketing Essay

Multinational Apparel Specialist Retailer Marketing Essay HM Hennes Mauritz AB HM or the group, founded in 1947 and headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, is a multinational apparel specialist retailer and famous for its fast-fashion clothing for men, women, teenagers and children (Larenaudie, 2004). Besides the companys primary and eponymous chain, the group also operates through four independent brands: Collection of Style (COS), Monki, Weekday, and Cheap Monday (HM, 2011a). Growing with the business concept to offer fashion and quality at the best price, by the end of 2011, the group has grown one of the largest global apparel retailers with presence in 43 markets and nearly 2500 stores (HM, 2011a). HM operates within only a single segment: sale of clothing and cosmetics (MarketLine, 2012), which locates the company as a fast-fashion retailer in global apparel industry. High level of rivalry among competitors has been witnessed within the global apparel industry. And the fluctuating price of raw materials, unpredictability of fashion trends and increasing demand of real-time update from consumers also pose challenges towards fashion retailers. However, HM, as one of the fast-fashion pioneers, has an outstanding and steady performance over the years. There are various factors contributing to HMs outstanding performance. Combined with the industrys key success factors, it is essential for a fashion retailer to balance cost efficiency with differentiation, have strong brand-consciousness and global expansion. Also, the continuously heated corporate social responsibility (CSR) issue remains the key to HMs success. Therefore, this dissertation aims to achieve three goals: To analyse HMs performance based on the global apparel retailing industrys key success factors To competitively analyse HMs position against its competitors, especially Zara (Inditex Group) To reach recommendations for the companys future strategy This chapter serves as a general overview of the paper and aims to help readers with the guideline of thoughts in the dissertation. Chapter Two discusses literature review and methodology. Chapter Three focuses on analysis of global apparel retailing industry with Five Forces Analysis, PESTLE Analysis and Key Success Factors of the industry. Chapter Four is the main analysis of HM, starting based on four key success factors: cost efficiency; brand-consciousness; global expansion; and CSR, followed by competitive positioning of the company, financial analysis, SWOT analysis, and ending with recommendations. Chapter Five is the conclusion of the dissertation. Due to personal limitation of knowledge and reach of resources, several parts of discussions in the dissertation could not be conducted in-depth. No dependable survey and data collections have been conducted due to personal limitation of time and financial support. The dissertation is mainly based on figures and data collected from second-hand resources. Chapter 2: Literature Review and Methodology Literature Review This section serves as a theoretical support for the validity of the analysis of global apparel retailing industry in Chapter Three and analysis of HM in Chapter Four. Industry Analysis The analysis of global apparel retailing industry is conducted with Five Forces Analysis (Chapter 3.2), PESTLE Analysis (Chapter 3.3) and Key Success Factors (Chapter 3.4). Five Forces Analysis developed by Michael Porter illustrates five factors determining the level of competition and profitability within an industry (Grant, 2010). The framework is widely used in industry analysis and is conducted by analysing five sources of competitive pressure: buyer power, supplier power, new entrants, substitutes, and rivalry (Grant, 2010) (see Figure 1). Figure 1: Porters Five Forces framework (Grant, 2010) PESTLE Analysis is a framework to clarify and discuss the external macro-environment that affects an industry which stands for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors (Nejati et al, 2008). Key Success Factors of an industry is identified by analysing the factors that help a firm survive and thrive within the market environment (Grant, 2010). By analysing two main criteria what do customers want and how does firm survive competition the shared key elements of customer desire and the nature of rivalry could be identified (Grant, 2010) (see Figure 2) Figure 2: Identifying Key Success Factors (Grant, 2010) Combining Five Forces Analysis with PESTLE Analysis, industry environment could be discussed in details in Chapter Three. After the analysis of industry environment, key success factors will be reached by the model to serve as the basis for company analysis in Chapter Four. Marketing Mix Marketing mix model, also known as the 4Ps, is the combination of Price, Product, Promotion and Place, adopted by companies to explore their unique selling points (McCarthy, 1960) (see Figure 3). Figure 3: Marketing Mix 4Ps (McCarthy, 1960) By employing marketing mix model in Chapter 4.2, the unique marketing combination of HM has been analysed. International Product Life Cycle Theory The product life cycle (PLC) theory explains the basic development of products and motivations for international trade (Ajami Goddard, 2006). The theory describes four discrete stages in a product life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline (Vernon, 1966) (see Figure 4). Figure 4: Product Life Cycle Theory (Vernon, 1966) The PLC theory has been widely adopted in analysis of international business and trade (Ajami Goddard, 2006). In Chapter 4.2 and Chapter 4.4.1, the theory has been used in explaining HMs product and market select and entry in global expansion progress. Uppsala Model The Uppsala Model suggests that a companys global expansion is a gradual process reliant on market knowledge and incremental decisions (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977; Frynas Mellahi, 2011). The theory is based on the assumption that firms expand globally with logical steps, based on the gathered information from foreign markets, which will lead to greater involvement of market commitment to more international business activities (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977; Frynas Mellahi, 2011). The model is based on two steps. First, when starting foreign market selection and entry, firms normally start expanding to neighbouring countries or countries with small psychic distance (Frynas Mellahi, 2011). Then after gathering experiential market knowledge, the firm expand to foreign markets step by step (Frynas Mellahi, 2011). Figure 5: Uppsala Model (Frynas Mellahi, 2011) The Uppsala Model helps understand a companys choice and plan in international market selection and mode of entry. In Chapter 4.4, Uppsala Model is employed to better illustrate the global expansion strategy of HM. Corporate Social Responsibility The European Commission defines Corporate Social Responsibility as: A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis (Commission of the European Communities, 2001) The importances of CSR has been analysed by Porter and Kramer (2006) as follows: Figure 6: Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (Porter and Kramer, 2006) In Chapter 4.5, the theory has been used to discuss and analyse HMs involvement in CSR activities and its effects. Market Positioning A firm can achieve its competitive advantages in either of two methods: either it can supply an identical product or service at a lower cost or it can supply a product or service that is differentiated in such a way that the customer is willing to pay a price premium that exceeds the additional cost of the differentiation (Grant, 2010), which defines two different approaches to achieve competitive advantages: cost leadership and differentiation. Combining the two approaches with the firms competitive scope either industry-wide or single segment Michael Porter has defined generic strategies as follows (Grant, 2010) (Figure 7): Figure 7: Porters Generic Strategies (Porter, 1980) And a firm should focus on either one of the strategies above and avoid stuck in the middle (Porter, 1980). By defining the firms strategy of achieving competitive advantages, the firm could be positioned in the market. Market positioning is about where you are located in the marketplace, largely as judge by customers, compared to the rest (Piercy, 2009) In Chapter 4.6.1, the market positioning theory has been used to analyse HMs competitive positioning within the market and serve as basis to comparative analysis against its competitors. Methodology As to the methodology of this dissertation, phenomenological paradigm is adopted due to the explanatory and descriptive nature of the analysis. Qualitative approach is implemented in the dissertation for that quantitative method requires the collection and interpretation of abundant accurate primary data to make sure reaching reliable conclusions, while the analysis of HM largely depends on secondary data and research group releases and third party opinions. Due to the limitation of my personal knowledge, further research might be needed for more accurate information to be acquired. Chapter 3: Industry Analysis HM operates within only a single segment: sale of clothing and cosmetics (MarketLine, 2012), which locates the company as a fast-fashion retailer in global apparel industry. The following chapter examines the industry with an overview, Five Forces Analysis, PESTLE Analysis and then comes up with Key Success Factors of the industry. 3.1 Industry Overview The apparel retail industry consists of the sale of menswear, womenswear, childrenswear, clothing accessories, hosiery and footwear within the global market including North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, MEA and Asia-Pacific (MarketLine, 2012). Figure 8: Industry Overview of Global Apparel Industry (MarketLine, 2012) The global clothing retailing industry has witnessed moderate growth in recent years. In FY2011, the total revenue of the industry had reached $1175.4 billion, a 2.7% growth between FY2007 and FY2011 (Figure). In all categorical segments, the womenswear segment remained most profitable in FY2011, representing 51.1% of the total value of the industry (Euromonitor International, 2011). Figure 9: Global Apparel Retail Industry Value; Global Apparel Retail Industry Geography Segmentation (MarketLine, 2012) 3.2 Five Forces Analysis As introduced in Chapter 2.1.1, the market will be analysed from five aspects: buyer power, supplier power, substitutes, new entrants and degree of rivalry. The analysis will take individual consumers as key buyers, manufacturers and wholesalers as key suppliers, and other retailers as players. Figure 10: Forces driving competition in the global apparel retail industry (MarketLine, 2011) 3.2.1 Buyer Power In global apparel retail industry, buyers are mostly individual consumers. As clothing has been recognised as symbols of fashion taste and social status, buyer power is weakened by design patterns and branding of a retailer (Bhardwaj and Fairhurst, 2010). However, the low switching costs of consumers strengthen buyer powers due to various choices on market. Furthermore, apparel retailers are at the end of the value chain. In a market where fashion trends change quickly and unpredictably, they have to offer buyers as demanded. This enhances buyer power. Overall, buyer power in this industry is assessed as moderate. 3.2.2 Supplier Power Major suppliers in the industry are clothing manufacturers and wholesalers, which are normally small to medium sized firms (MarketLine, 2011). In most countries, the supplier sector is fragmented because of the absence of diversity among suppliers (MarketLine, 2011). And further fragmentation is made by the retailers ability to outsource from foreign countries, especially from low-wage and labour-intensive regions such as China and India (Deloitte, 2011). However, the law of national minimum wage in some countries raises the labour power of suppliers. So overall, supplier power is assessed as moderate. 3.2.3 New Entrants Moderate growth has been witnessed in global apparel industry, making less people attracted to the market. However, with low barriers to entry and low requirement to start up a business in the industry, there are high possibilities for individuals to enter. And low switching costs for consumers and lack of variety in product differentiation in the market is beneficial for new entrants to compete. However, in some countries (e.g. the US) the market is majorly occupied by some large corporations from scale economies and strong buyer power (MarketLine, 2011). Regulation in the industry has remained little but recently corporate social responsibility issues have been heated among consumers (Idowu Filho, 2008). These factors prove that new entrants are strong threats. 3.2.4 Substitutes There are no substitutes for apparel. However, major substitute for retailing is to buy clothes directly from manufacturers (Zentes et al, 2011). This option is strengthened by the increase of online stores. Online shopping has been increasingly accepted by consumers (Peck et al, 2011). And by running online fashion stores, large amount of overhead could be avoided. There are still niche substitutes like home-made and couture clothing, or second-hand clothing (MarketLine, 2011). However, substitute threats are assessed as weak. 3.2.5 Degree of Rivalry The global apparel clothing industry is considered as fragmented (Jones, 2006). There are large numbers of small size retailers with the same product differentiation. And with increasing number of retailers expanding products to accessories and other diversities, rivalry in the industry has been intensified. With a moderate growth and low requirement of market entry, a high degree of rivalry has been resulted. In conclusion, the global apparel retailing industry is fragmented with moderate growth, weak threat from substitutes, moderate buyer power and supplier power. Low barrier to entry and low requirement for entrants have resulted in strong threats of new entrants and further led to high degree of rivalry. 3.3 PESTLE Analysis As discussed in Chapter 2.1.1, the macro-environment of the industry is analysed by PESTLE analysis regarding political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental aspects (Grant, 2010). Political As for global apparel retailers, legislations vary among different countries and areas (Cobra, 2011). Every retailer in the industry must follow government regulations regarding goods and labour (Graham Richardson, 1997). And the political stability is also crucial for fashion retailers as it would directly affect their sales situation and asset safety (Aspers, 2010). Economic For fashion apparel retailers, economic trends are crucial for their strong impacts on consumer behaviours and purchasing powers. For example, in 2011, the global economic recession had negative effects on fashion retailers (Euromonitor International, 2011). Because consumers with lower disposable income regard clothing as functional item, while with higher disposable income branding became important as a symbol of social status and fashion taste (MarketLine, 2012). Price fluctuation of raw materials cotton price for apparel retailers has significant impacts on the industry (MarketLine, 2012). Interest rates also would affect sales and high interest rates lead to difficulties to trade overseas (Arnold, 2010). Moreover, currency situation is important as the exchange rate influences the value and trades of retailers (Browne, 2000). Social Increasing attentions from public have been focused on corporate social responsibilities (CSR) of apparel retailers, mainly regarding labour conditions, such as protection of workers rights, maintaining safe working conditions, reasonable wage and no child labours (Idowu Filho, 2008). Also, for global fashion retailers, cultural differences between counties are crucial due to different fashion trends, consumer behaviours, or local customs. Technological The development of technology has enabled global apparel retailers with e-commerce and international trade more effectively (Euromonitor, 2011). And with the implementation of high technology, supply chain has changed significantly with global outsourcing, real-time update, and continuous replenishment (Lopez and Fan, 2009). Moreover, online shopping has been increasingly accepted by consumers, which initiated a new channel for retailers to cut costs by less middlemen and no store rent (Peck et al, 2011). Law Global apparel retailers need to follow different government legislation regarding employment and production (Graham Richardson, 1997). For instance, in some countries, such as the UK, there is national minimum wage to protect employees rights (Low Pay Commission, 2011). And tariffs from international trade are also important for international retailers to abide by. Environmental Environment protection has remained a heated issue among apparel retailing industry, especially issues like chemical restrictions and pollutions during production (Euromonitor International, 2011). It is also crucial for retailers to save energies and materials and reduce environmental impacts during product life cycle (PLC) (Chapter 2.1.3). From the above analysis, global apparel industry largely depends on political stability, government legislation, high-technology, public relations. And fluctuating price of source remains a major challenge to apparel retailers. 3.4 Key Success Factors As introduced in Chapter 2.1.1, Key Success Factors of apparel retail industry is analysed with the Grant model by examining the demand and competition of the industry as following Figure 11: Identifying Key Success Factors of Global Apparel Retailing Industry (Grant, 2010) Therefore, from the analysis above, for a global apparel retailer, cost efficiency is one of the crucial factors for that low cost ensures profitability and efficiency indicates fast responding time to meet demand, allowing fashion and quality at the best price (HMs business concept, HM, 2011a). Brand strategy also plays a key role in apparel retailers success as it facilitates customer loyalty. Differentiation of style in fashion industry positions the companys competitiveness and brand image in the market. Global expansion strategy of an apparel retailer is also essential as choices of global markets and international strategy decide retailers future development, global presence and even profitability (Deloitte, 2011). The continuously heated issue of corporate social responsibility also remains the key to companys brand image among public and future growth. It plays a vital role in companys success due to the heated social issue of environmental protection and labour conditions (I dowu Filho, 2008) In the following chapter, the company will be analysed starting based on key success factors to seek for unique interpretation of HMs performance. Chapter 4: Analysis of HM This Chapter is mainly focuses on analysis of HM, starting by analysis based on four key success factors of the industry, followed by competitive positioning analysis, financial analysis, and SWOT analysis, and ended with recommendations. 4.1 Operations Strategy HMs business concept is to offer fashion and quality and the best price (HM, 2011a). To make sure the company follows the leading fashion trends, quality of designing and lead time of distribution are important (Slack et al, 2010). And the offer of best price needs to rely on the basis that cost from each stage has been minimised. 4.1.1 Reduction of Costs Cost-consciousness at every stage remains the key to HMs operations (ZavrÃ…Â ¡nik, 2007). To achieve the growth target with offering best price, HM has a professional buying team (HM, 2011a). The company arranges its buying activities according to decisions from design team (MarketLine, 2011). The buying team achieves lowest cost by purchasing in bulk with the right products from the right market (ZavrÃ…Â ¡nik, 2007). With no factories itself, the company outsources its product manufacturing to approximately 700 suppliers, mostly in Asia and Europe (HM, 2011a). The manufacturing locations are divided by the level of fashion-sensitiveness: the fashion-sensitive collections are normally manufactured within Europe to cut the lead time while the cost-sensitive and sustainable collections are produced in Asia to allow the lowest possible price and achieve economies of scale (HM, 2011a). Furthermore, HM focuses on building long-term relationships with suppliers and manufacturers (HM, 2011a). HM does not own any factories (HM, 2011a), so quality control over the whole process might be a problem. Due to fast responses to fashion trend, there is usually not enough time to perform detailed quality control. Therefore the company has been involved in accusation of poor quality. So, dependable suppliers could not only provide HM with lowest price, but also ensure the quality of products from long-term cooperation and mutual understanding. Moreover, as a fast-fashion retailer, HM has lead time from weeks up to six months (HM, 2011a), which is slower than its strongest competitor Zara (Inditex Group) of maximum 14 days. However, faster responses indicate higher cost, HM focuses on reduction of cost and achieves balance between fast-fashion and price, allowing averagely 30% 50% lower price than Zara (Larenaudie, 2004) 4.1.2 Speed of Responses HM holds the point that the right lead time should be balanced between price, time and quality instead of pursuing merely short lead time (Euromonitor, 2012). However, as a fast-fashion retailer, quick responding to fashion trends, consumer demand and other market changes is still key for the company (Grant, 2010). The company achieves fast responses by integrating downstream and being efficient at every stage (HM, 2011a). HM has a professional design team. The in-house design team, headquartered in Stockholm with over 150 internal designers, focuses on combining inspirations and information from multiple resources such as news, travelling, streetstyle and various exhibitions and catwalks (J.P.Morgan, 2012). This cross-functional designing could ensure the quick response to market change. High technology has also been used by HM to ensure the speed and efficiency of supply chain and enable changes could be made quickly enough and design agreement then could be fasten (Bruce and Daly, 2006). HM has conducted top-class computerised design software and built common IT platform that enables quick information exchange between the process of designing, production and warehouse. The group set only limited stocking area in each store to keep maximum area for display. So the replenishment needs to be backed up by effective distributions according to the daily sales. The immediate sales data communication serves as a strong basis for fast response and efficiency at every stage. With this in-house design and outsourced production process, HM claimed that their lead time could range from weeks to up to six months: fashion-conscious within weeks and sustainable and classics could be months (HM, 2011a), achieving balance between price, quality and time. 4.2 Marketing Mix Strategy After analysing the cost and efficiency strategy of the company, marketing strategy will be analysed first with the companys unique marketing mix (Chapter 2.1.2). Price HM makes effort to differentiate its brand image from other fast-fashion retailers with competitive low price (ZavrÃ…Â ¡nik, 2011). The company makes efforts to offer best possible price in spite of fluctuating costs of raw materials. However, the price range of HM products varies according to designs, current interest rates, and tariffs (Larenaudie, 2004). Product Clothing is the main product for HM. The company offers a wide range of designs for clothing, from classics to basics, to designs following the latest fashion trends. In addition, HM expands product mix to make the most of sales opportunities, such as make-up and costume jewellery at competitive prices, and home furnishings for young households (Euromonitor, 2011). Furthermore, as fashion trends intertwined (Steele, 2011), the new sustainable collection and classics collection enable a longer Product Life Cycle (Chapter 2.1.3) to maximise the design and avoid quick decline. Promotion Marketing promotion is crucial for apparel retailers to build the brand image (Cooklin, 2006). Various methods could be adopted, such as advertising, social media presence, personal selling, publicity, presentations (Cooklin, 2006). For HM, inviting guest designers has been a major attraction to customers (Euromonitor International, 2011). Also, HM has two major fashion seasons annually spring season and autumn season, and two sales season summer sales and the Christmas and New Year season (HM, 2011a). The two sales seasons promote products and attracts more customer visits with even lower prices. Place HM has strong global presence with over 2500 stores by the end of 2011 (MarketLine, 2011). However, the majority of HMs store-based apparel sales come from Europe, with Germany contributing the most, followed by the UK and France (Euromonitor International, 2011). In addition, HM has a growth target to increase the number of stores by 10% to 15% every year (HM, 2011a). But the company does not own any store facilities. By renting store premises the company could achieve flexibility to the best level and make sure store locate at the best possible position. And the company has leading distribution system enabling continuous replenishment based on real-time update sales data (Bruce and Daly, 2006). 4.3 Brand and Multi-Channel Strategy In the fashion retail industry, brand image is crucial in building customer loyalty (Bhardwaj and Fairhurst, 2010). HM is the most important brand for the group and enjoys strong presence internationally. With only limited investment in advertisement on TV, HMs collections with famous guest designers and celebrities have been the major hit to attract customers. From Karl Lagerfeld for HM in 2004, M by Madonna in 2007, Jimmy Choos shoes and bags in selected stores in 2009, to the exciting autumn hit Versace for HM in 2011 and Marni at HM in 2012, the guest collections fully showed attraction to customers, which interlink the price-conscious brand together with great design and quality (Euromonitor, 2011). As a mass-production fashion retailer, HM could raise brand impacts globally by cooperation with celebrities and famous brands to create the feeling of luxury and limit edition for its own customers. By collaboration with HM, luxurious brands could open up customer market with lower disposable income. Figure 12: Images of HMs Collections by Guest Designers and Celebrities (Versace, Madonna, Jimmy Choo) (HM Annual Report) In addition, HM sells not only through store premises, but also over the internet and catalogue books, which with brand strategy, composes together HMs multi-channel strategy. HM has made positive progress by promoting limited online sales globally allowing consumers in areas with no HM stores to purchase online, which boosts global brand image for HM and generates sales (MarketLine, 2011). The company also produces own online webzine HM Life, linking to its online stores and fashion items with latest trends (Euromonitor International, 2012). Furthermore, HM has successfully combined social media strategy to build up its brand and customer loyalty with Facebook page, twitter account, YouTube account and special online social hub (MarketLine, 2011). For example, HMs Facebook page has competitive engagement rate of 2% (likes, comments, share, etc.). And the presence of free smartphone app for its brand is available to keep customers update with new products and sales. Figure 13: Images of HMs Social Media Network: Facebook Page, Twitter Page and Youtube Page (HM, 2012) With the success of clothing, HM further extend the product range to maximise sales opportunities by selling low cost make-up and jewellery and home furnishing (MarketLine, 2011). Following Inditex, the group has transferred into multi-brand channels. Besides HM, the group also has four independent brands, namely COS, Monki, Weekday and Cheap Monday, allowing the company expand its network further and avoiding saturation in European market (Euromonitor, 2011). However, these brands still only have limited presence globally. 4.4 Domestic and Global Strategy With a unique strategy and clear brand identity, a fashion retailer should then develop its global expansion for further growth. The global expansion strategy and process could be better illustrated with Uppsala Model theory (Chapter 2.1.4). 4.4.1 Market Selection and Entry HM, headquartered in Sweden, started expansion into neighbouring countries Norway (1964) and Denmark (1967) (MarketLine, 2011), and followed by entering other countries and regions (Chapter 2.1.4) (Appendix 1). As introduced in Chapter 2, similar culture or shared borders could all reduce psychic distances between foreign customers and can encourage the companys global expansion (Ghemawat, 2001). Western Europe still witness HMs majority of sales growth, which shows the effects of shorter psychic distances. Following Uppsala model (Chapter 2.1.4), after gathering market knowledge and analysis of potential growth, the company entered global market by acquisitions and with greater levels of market commitment (Appendix 1). With an ambitious growth target of 10% to 15% increase in store numbers every year (HM, 2011a), the company strategically selected global markets and made effort to expand globally step by step. Gradually, the brand established its global name among consumers. However, the dominance of Western Europe leaves HM reliant on this region (Euromonitor, 2011). Economic recession within the Eurozone could influence the sales directly, and saturation would limit HMs further growth potential. At the meantime, the apparel industry in other districts prospers, especially Latin America, with a forecast sales value growth of 25%, where HM is absent (Euromonitor, 2011). Eastern Europe and Asia Pacific is also forecast with high sales value growing potential of 32% and 33% respectively (Euromonitor, 2011). 4.4.2 Domestic Strategy After selection and entry into global market, HM has witnessed strong global growth. Compared with international market, domestic market has moderate performance. However, headquartered in Sweden, HM still possesses large portion of market share (Euromonitor, 2012). The companys sales growth in Sweden remains steady (Figure 14). With strong purchasing power, consumers in Sweden tend to buy clothes for enjoyment over necessity. Most of sales were conducted in store purchasing over the past five years (Figure 1